

评论: 31556 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 786476
Anderson [2021-06-11 06:52 PM]
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Joanna [2021-06-11 06:10 PM]
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Jerry [2021-06-11 06:03 PM]
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Natalie [2021-06-11 06:03 PM]
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Helene [2021-06-11 05:05 PM]
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Klara [2021-06-11 03:04 PM]
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Richie [2021-06-11 02:10 PM]
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Wally [2021-06-11 12:43 AM]
But there is a theorem that even depth-two networks can approximate any continuous function F.
Alex [2021-06-11 11:40 AM]
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